Branch Circuit Metering

The Modular Sensor Power (MSP) strip meters to the branch circuit and input level. The MSP’s modularity allows for exact receptacle counts at the time of manufacturing.

Metering includes AMPs, Voltage, Active and Apparent Power and Power Factor. The MSP provides a kWh meter at the circuit level.

MSP Single Phase Datasheet — MSP Three Phase Datasheet


  • Modular Design for flexible receptacle configurations
  • Branch Circuit Metering
  • Accuracy +- 1% Full Load; kWh, kVa, PF, Amps and Voltage to the circuit level
  • Aluminum Chassis for efficient heat transfer and grounding
  • Available Zero U and Rackmount MMP chassis
  • Easy to Read Color Display
  • HTTPs, SNMPv3s, SSL and IPv6 Support
  • Audible and Visual Alarms
  • Two Sensor Ports for External Sensors
  • Made in the USA


LCD Display
LCD Display

Easily monitor input power as well as branch circuit power utilizing BayTech's easy to read color display. Displays turns red if alarm condition exists.

Sensor Ports
Sensor Ports

Monitor environmental conditions with two built-in sensor ports. Standard sensors include Temperature and Humidity.

Secure Connections
Secure Connections

All internal connections are secured with locking aids. Power connections utilize a lock washer as well as a nylon locknut.

Locking Receptacles
Locking Receptacles

Secure your assets with integrated Locking C13 receptacles.

PCB Mounted Receptacles
PCB Mounted Receptacles

Receptacles are securely mounted to a PCB. This has proven to be much more reliable than ISD's (Insulation Displacement) and hand soldered wires.